Bhratribaran ceremony (fresher’s welcome) is celebrated every year with great éclat . Getting up early, and attaining mangalaratiand Homa and taking five vows mark the day so special to the new brothers.Formal ceremony at the Vivekananda Dham is the chief attraction. The function is embellished with songs, speeches of sr. ex-students and release of special issue of Bidyarthi-Bhratribaransamkhya. Then the sumptuous dishes followat the launch! About 250 to 300 ex-students and devotees gather and take prasada. A friendly football match is organised in the afternoon in between New Brothers Vs the Rest. Film-show in the evening refreshes and soothes every young heart.
Festivals like Holi, JanmashtamiRathaYatra, Shiva Ratri, Poila-Baishakh, Independence Day, NetajiBirth Day , The Republic Day etc. are also celebrated with solemnity and true spirit.